In this episode of GuideWire, FastTraCS team members Devin Hubbard, Nabil Khan, and Nicole Wiley recall some of their more memorable and embarrassing experiences over the years while working with healthcare providers to identify unmet medical needs. They reflect on how sights, sounds, and smells informed their own practices.
Today’s Topics Include:
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In this episode of GuideWire, Devin Hubbard and other FastTraCS team members reflect on what they have tried in the past that worked well...
In this episode of GuideWire, Devin Hubbard and Gabe Li with FastTraCS talk to Dr. Jon Martin from Duke University about his design experience...
In this episode of GuideWire, Devin Hubbard with FastTraCS talks to Dr. Rob Lampman about his experiences managing COVID-19 patients and the directions of...